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Land spreading is typically a one-time application of wastes to an area of land.  Wastes are spread on the land and incorporate into the upper soil zone to enhance hydrocarbon biodegradation. It is important that other constituents such as metals, salts, and acids not be present at levels that sterilize or permanently impair the soil system. 


Land spreading generally is the most economical way to dispose of drilling wastes, as it reduces the amount of handling required to remediate the waste. Avenge Energy Services partners with local landowners for compliant and ethical waste disposal.

Waste Eligible for Land Spreading

  • Water-based drilling mud and cuttings generated by oil and gas wells, as well as associated injection sites.

Waste Ineligible for Land Spreading

  • Produced Salt-Water

  • Fracking Fluids

  • Petroleum-Based Drilling Waste

  • Produced Petroleum Products or Wastes

There are many benefits, both economically and environmentally to land spreading. It helps our industry to avoid concentrated disposal of large volumes of on-site waste pits, it minimizes transportation impacts to appropriate landfills and reduces costs of drilling waste disposal.

We are Western Canada's Leader in Hydrovac, Fluid Transport, Industrial & Tank Cleaning Solutions


Dispatch: 1-855-VAC-TRUC

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